We invite you to partner with Thistle Hills as we walk alongside survivors on their journey of recovery.


Monthly Partnership

We invite you to partner with Thistle Hills as we walk alongside survivors on their journey of recovery. Our monthly partners’ investment in the program is essential for allowing Thistle Hills to equip and empower survivors to live healthy and flourishing lives. Thistle Hills provides mentorship, support groups, employment, and housing to women that have survived lives of sex trafficking, addictions, and life on the streets. We equip those who once felt desperate in their circumstances to make empowering choices & enjoy fulfilling lives.

As a Thistle Hills Partner, you are investing in the key components of the program. Here are examples of what each partnership level represents in terms of program costs:

Social Enterprise Partner

Donation of $3000

Thistle Hills is in the process of developing our social enterprise for the women to have a safe place to earn a living. This partnership will allow us to develop the enterprise and become more self-sufficient as an organization.

Residential Program Partner

Donation of $1000

Thistle Hills provides a safe place to live for women choosing to transform their lives. This includes a rent-free room in the house, drivers to take her to essential appointments for her health and recovery, support staff to ensure that the home is a safe atmosphere and to be available for the challenges that arise in her recovery, and all of the classes and activities included in the program.

Artisan Partner

Donation of $500

The cost to employ one Thistle Hills resident or non-resident employee for a month is approximately $500. This is more than a job; it is a chance to change her story as she gains resume-building skills, confidence, and self-worth through employment.

Hospitality Partner

Donation of $100

We give each woman in the Thistle Hills program an allowance for personal items and we have a matched savings program.

Thank you very much for considering partnering with us as we show survivors of human trafficking that they are loved, valued, and that their journey matters.